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Right of withdrawal

The following rules are only for consumers in the European Union and not for clients, who are companies or enterprises.
They are the law in Austria. In the futur the countries of the European Union will harmonize this law so that the rules will become equal in all countries of the European Union.

The European law says, that the rules concerning the Right of Withdrawal for the mail-order trade of the consumers'country is binding.


Right of withdrawal
You have the right to revoke your contractual statement without stating reasons within 14 (fourteen) days. The time limit begins at the earliest after receipt of these instructions in text form, but not before the goods are received by the addressee (in case of partial shipment regarding one order, after receipt of the final delivery).
To exercise your right of withdrawal you have to inform me about your decision to revoke the contract trough a clear representation (e.g. by post, fax or email). You can use the enclosed form for your withdrawal, but this is not required.
To keep the revocation period it is sufficient to send us a notice about the exercise of your right of withdrawal before the end of the term. The declaration of withdrawal has to be addressed to:
Ager Robert
Grafenweg 319a
6314 Hopfgarten i. Bt.
Tel. 0681 10232433

Withdrawal consequences

If you revoke this contract, we are obligated to reimburse all received payments, including the shipping costs (except additional costs resulting from choosing another way of delivery that differs from our most favorable standard delivery), immediately and not later than 14 days after your revocation. For this reimbursement we use the payment method that was used by you for the original transaction, unless something different was explicitly arranged with you. Certainly we will not bill you charges for it.
We are allowed to refuse the reimbursement until we regain the goods or until you furnished proof of the return shipment of the goods according to which is the earlier date.
You are obligated to return or render the goods immediately and not later than within 14 days after your revocation. You keep the period if you dispatch the goods before the end of the 14 days-period. You are committed to bear the regular costs of return shipment.
You only have to compensate for any loss of value of the goods, if this loss of value is affiliated with a handling that is not necessary to test their quality, their features or their functionality.

Form for withdrawal from the contract:

Herewith I want to withdraw my order:

(Name of the items, maybe item number and price)……….

Ordered on: ……….......

Received on: ………......

Name of the consumer ……........…

Address of the consumer …........……

Signature of the consumer …........……

Date: …......

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Wooden Products
6314 Hopfgarten
Grafenweg, Niederau, Wildschönau, Tirol, Austria